2025 CTP Exam Prep Track
Attendees desiring to take the CTP Exam Prep must register for it upon registering for the conference to ensure they receive access to course materials ahead of the conference.
NOTE: It is strongly recommended that you have reviewed the most current The Essentials of Treasury Management book as well as reviewing online videos, sample tests, and other reference materials on the Treasury Academy website prior to attending the CTP Exam review.
Once registered for the conference and CTP Exam Review, a committee member will reach out and confirm that you understand that no refund will be provided for the full cost of the conference (conference fee & CTP fee). After this confirmation, you will receive the link to the Treasury Academy website (see Virtual CTP Prep Track description below for full details)
Instructor: Dubos J. Masson, PhD, CTP, Cert ICM
Dr. Masson is a Clinical Professor of Finance at Indiana University’s Kelley School of Business and is a frequent conference speaker and author in a variety of financial and treasury management areas. His areas of specialty include: treasury management, working capital management, global cash management, risk management and corporate valuation. D.J. is also an instructor and curriculum developer for the Association for Financial Professionals (AFP) and Director of the AFP Corporate Financial Analysis and Planning Workshop at the Kelley School. In addition, he is the author/editor of the first and third editions of AFP’s Essential of Treasury Management. He has an MBA and PhD in Finance from Indiana University and he holds both the CTP (Certified Treasury Professional) and FPAC (Corporate Financial Planning and Analysis) certifications from the AFP.
Virtual CTP Prep Track
A Zoom Link will be provided for all of the sessions, and all sessions will be recorded and available to the registered attendees for 1 year following the sessions. Registered participants will also be granted access to the Treasury Academy’s CTP Exam Prep site for a 1-year period. There will be no dedicated CTP room at the conference so these sessions can be completed in your room. You are able to attend all general sessions of the conference. The times of the sessions will probably take place some time between 8 AM and Noon on each day as shown below. Class #3 will be determined by attendees during Class #2.
Class #1 (Mon., May 19 – 90-Min Session @ TBD):
Class #2 (Tues., May 20 – 90- Min Session @ TBD):
Class #3: (Week of May 26 – 90 – Min Session @ TBD):
Learning Objectives/Course Outline
The primary objective of these sessions is to provide a review of the materials in Essentials of Treasury Management, 7th Edition (ETM7) for those preparing to take the CTP exam. This virtual course consists of three 90-minute sessions as outlined above, as well as access to the Treasury Academy’s Canvas website (outlined below).
The first session introduces the text on which the exam is based (ETM7) and provides insights into how to prepare for and successfully pass the exam. This first session will also cover the basics of Treasury Management, Banks and Financial Institutions, and Payment Systems. The second session will cover the areas of Financial Planning & Analysis (Financial Management, Financial Statements, Ratio Analysis, Forecasting) as well as the basics of Cash Management (Disbursements, Concentration & Collections) and Working Capital Management. The third session will provide a general overview of main topics covered on the exam, as well as review of the calculations and financial math from ETM7.
The Canvas site hosted by The Treasury Academy will provide the following for all registered participants for a 1-year period: